Song Surgeon
4620 Derby Lane, Doylestown, PA 18902
Tel: 866-423-0413, 215-371-3909 (F)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dear Customer

Below is the Song Surgeon newsletter for May 2023.

Song Surgeon Tip: Changing Key in a Song that Has Multiple Keys

When you are working with a song that has one or more key changes in it, you may need to change the key for each of these segments separately. This can be easily done with Song Surgeon.

To accomplish this, each segment with a different key must first be identified and isolated within a loop area. Once that is done, move the progress indicator inside each of these looping areas and change the key as desired. After you have changed the key in each of these areas then EXPORT the Entire Song and the key change will be applied to each of these areas individually as you have made them in the Song Surgeon interface and these changes will be embedded in the new file you create on Export.

Version 6 Update

Work on Version 6 continues but it has been slow. Within the next two months additional programmers will be available to assign to this project. This will speed things up considerable.

Early this year I sent an image of the Version 6 interface. In today's newsletter we are providing a brief overview of the functionality that we are planning for this new build. Here is an overview of the major changes/additions planned:

Audio Stream Capture
- With many user now getting most of the music from streaming services, we will be implementing an audio streaming capture function into Version 6. This will grab the audio as you play it on your computer and allow you to use it in Song Surgeon.

Spectrum analysis
- This new feature will analyze the frequency or spectrum of a note or small interval of music and assist you in determining what specific note is being played.

Click Tracks - Create click tracks of any tempo or duration and insert into song Metronome - The ability to export metronome clicks into a newly created file

Tunings - The default, contemporary tuning used in most music today is A440. However, there are many alternative tunings used such as A430 for some classical, 415 for Baroque, 432 Verdi Tuning, etc. Version 6 will be able to create any alternative tuning.

Notes or Chords - Currently Version 5 detects and display chords for each song that is opened. In version 6 we plan on implementing a new feature that will detect notes for files that have single instrument recordings.

Chord Library - Version 5 currently provides a library of chords for guitar players. This library will be expanded to add 2-3 new instruments. Those on the list include include Uke, piano, and mando

Volume Detection/Editing
- Version 6 will be able to detect the volume files/songs that are opened and will enable you to edit the volume to a specific decibel level.

Looping - Version 5 requires a small space or time between the end of 1 loop and the beginning of the next. Version 6 will utilize contiguous loops where the ending loop point can also be the used as the beginning loops point of the next looping area

Markers - Markers in Version 6 will be significantly enhanced. Version 6 will contain 3 kinds of markers. Informational, Measure markers and Beat markers. This new system of markers will allow a user to create/set markers for each measure and even each beat within a song. ill allow a user to create/set markers for each measure and even each beat within a song.

User Forum

Several years ago we started a forum but within a few months shut it down because the amount of spam posts we received overwhelmed the system. With newer and better spam prevention technology we launched a forum earlier this year. Here is the link:

We are now reaching a sufficient volume of forum members that this forum can become functional and a useful resource for Song Surgeon customers and visitors.

Please note that this is a place to ask questions and have them answered, as well as share ideas. It is NOT a place for tech support issues to be handled. These types of issues should be taken to the support desk which is found here:

Ambassador Dollars

We continue to get inquires from customers as they were ordering about the "Ambassador Dollar" coupon code. Consequently, I want to cover this topic again.

The Ambassador program is one that allows our customers to earn dollars that can be applied to future purchases. You can generate this dollars by promoting any of our products to friends, family, groups, or forums, using your customer-specific Ambassador Program link found in your My Account page.

New Products

In addition to the ongoing work on Song Surgeon 6 here are the other development products that are ongoing or have been recently completed.

~~> Late last fall we completed a released the Mac version of Video Surgeon 3. Both Mac and Win version are now available.

~~> In March of 2023, just a couple of months ago we completed a released a new version of Karaoke Surgeon (Ver 2.) for Windows.

~~> We are currently working to finish a new version of Download Surgeon. It should be out in the next 2-4 months.

Stay tuned to this newsletter for further updates on Song Surgeon and all of our other products.

James Todd
TMJ Software: Makers of Song Surgeon

p.s. Below are a few of the recent comments we have received from Song Surgeon 5 Customers.

Thank you for your prompt worked! BTW I am a musician and have been using SS for 6 years to learn cover songs and just to play along. Best app ever.
W. Mitchell


Hi Jim, Thank you very much. I also want you to know that I am thoroughly enjoying Song Surgeon. Probably one of the best purchases I have ever made. Again, thank you. Ray Balz


I use Song Surgeon a lot. I'm a professional jazz saxophonist and music teacher. Most of my practicing is done using various play-along tracks that I purchase, or download from YouTube using Download Surgeon, and then import into Song Surgeon. I also recommend your programs to my students. All the best,



Hi Jim, I am a long time client of yours. I started out with Song Surgeon being non musical, using your program to change tempo & key to piano tracks for my church. Then low and behold, (and at 58 years old) I started learning a musical instrument for the 1st time. My choice? Rather unusual, the mountain dulcimer! You have no idea how much more valuable Song Surgeon is to me now!!

Gary Heath


Yes, in terms of music I am very happy with SS5 but I would mention one further use that I have not seen commented upon: I help students with their speech and language development. In particular there are many educational videos where people speak enthusiastically and far too fast especially for students whose first language is not English (or American). They find my reduction in speed whilst retaining correct pitch most helpful. Thanks again,

Ray Tolley