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Online Key and BPM Finder
Plus BPM & Key Change

Key & BPM Finder and Changer
Step 1:
Select a File

Acceptable formats: mp3, .wav, m4a, wma, flac (60 Mb or smaller)

Step 2:
Key/BPM Results

Because the Time Signature (e.g. 4/4 or 7/8) of the uploaded file is not know the bpm detected may be half or twice the reported value depending upon whether a quarter or eighth note is counted as a beat.

Step 3:
Pitch or Key Change

Pitch changes are expressed in semi-tones (1/2 steps) such as 1, 2, -1, etc, or cents (.01)

Tempo Change

Tempo changes are expressed as percentage % of the original

Play Original File
Preview Changes
Step 4: