Online Tool For Isolating Vocals or Instruments
From Audio or Video Files (VRII Tool)
Available on a Free Trial Basis (Processes First 30 Seconds)
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This is the vocal removal/instrument isolation (VRII) page for Song Surgeon. This tool processes both audio and video files.
In some cases, as part of a special promotion, Song Surgeon 5 or 6 Pro customers were given a free, 2-years subscription. If you received a VRII subscription as a free gift you will find a reference to it in your My Account page on the Song Surgeon site. Log-in and review your order history and it will appear there if you received this. Customers can access to this page by logging in, using the same credentials they used for activating Song Surgeon. Non-customer’s access to this tool is limited to the processing of the first 30 seconds of a file.
Beginning in early 2025 have upgraded and implemented a 2nd generation of this AI based tool which provides better instrument isolation than the earlier 1st generation version. The VRII Tool works well (not perfectly) for the following instruments: vocals, drums, bass, piano, and guitar.
Below is a sample of what this tool can do. It is from a song by Badfinger called "No Matter What". In this example we have removed the vocals. You can hear are three files: The original song, the vocals, and the mix without the vocals. Click to listen.
To use this tool log-in, upload a file, choose the instrument to be isolated, and then click the START button. Once the VRII tool process a file it returns two files. One file contains the single instrument selected to be removed. The second contains the rest of the mix or instrumentation.
These files can be listened to on this web page or downloaded to your computer. If you are using this tool on a trial/free basis and are not a customer, you will be able to listen/see the first 30 second of your file. Next to the button allowing access to the first 30 seconds, you will see an option to access the entire file by buying a subscription.
On THIS VRII page, once logged-in (whether a customer or a demo user) you can click the My Account button at the top, right of THIS page and see a list of processed files and listen or download them. These files are stored only temporarily. These files will be stored 1 week for demo users and 1 month for subscribers.
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