Below are answers to some of the most common questions that we receive. These FAQ's are more general in nature. If you have questions, especially technical ones that are not answered here, please go to our Help Desk for a full list of FAQ's, a Knowledge Base, and a Support Ticket system. In addition to the Help Desk, we also have a series of video tutorials which you can find here on the website.
Q1. On What Operating Systems Does Song Surgeon Run?
A1. SS V6 runs on Mac (OSx) and Windows. Specifically this is Mac OSx 11.X – 15.X and for Win 10 – Win 11. Some of the machine on which the older OS’s are installed may not have sufficient resources to run Song Surgeon 6 well.
Q2. Will Song Surgeon V6 run on mobile devices?
A2. Song Surgeon V6 is a desktop application. We do have a “lite” version of Song Surgeon, called, Song Surgeon Trainer available as an app. It is free and can be found on both the Google Play and Apple Stores. https://songsurgeon.com/page/mobileapp.html
Q3. What Are The Computer Hardware Requirements for Song Surgeon?
Q4. Why Does SS V5 Not Have A Sniffer Module in it like earlier versions?
In the past, Google among others, have sued to block some products that perform downloading functions.
However, it’s important to remember that many uses of copyrighted material are considered legal under
the fair use doctrine to U.S. copyright law. The fair use doctrine makes exceptions for non-infringing
purposes like news reporting, research, education — or just for laughs. Consider YouTube’s first big
legal copyright challenge, a 2007 video of a baby dancing to the Prince song “Let’s Go Crazy”. Universal
Music Group, the copyright holder of that hit song, sued the baby’s mom for copyright violation. A judge
ruled in favor of the mom and the baby, citing fair use.
Two things have happened recently that concern us. Once is that Google has terminated one of our Adwords
accounts citing the downloading module as the cause. Even more recently Google has sent a cease and
desist letter to a company that sells a YouTube Downloader application, similar to what we provide in
Song Surgeon.
Because of these developments we have made a business decision to remove the downloading (Sniffer)
modules from Song Surgeon Version 6. We have a similar module in our product Video Surgeon and will also
be discontinuing it, when a new version of that product is released.
Version 4 of Song Surgeon will not be affected by this decision and it will continue to contain the
downloading modules. However, like all older versions of our products, now that a newer version has been
released, it will no longer be updated. Accordingly if this downloading module ceases to function at
some point in the future we will NOT provide support for it or fix it.
We know that many customers use and like this downloading feature. What we have done is to consolidate
the downloading module found in our other products into a single product called Download Surgeon; plus
we have added additional capabilities. This will allow customers who want these downloading features to
be able to access them, while at the same time, limiting our business exposure and shielding our main
products, like Song Surgeon, from any adverse affects.
If you are a Song Surgeon Version 6 customer you will be able to buy Download Surgeon at a 37.5%
discount ($49.95). Click Here To Learn
Q5. I see that my purchase entitles me to install on three machines. Can I share this with a friend or band member?
A5. The three licenses provided with your purchase are intended to be used by you or immediately family members within the same household, not friends, band members, co-workers, etc.
Q6. What Kind of Support is provided for Song Surgeon?
Song Surgeon has a full service Help Desk that includes Incident Support Tickets, FAQ’s, Knowledge Base,
Download Link and news. The Help Desk is always the first stop for support. Based upon the ticket
information you provide we will decide how to handle your issue. We may call, correspond via the Help
Desk, do a remote assistance session, etc.
Standard model customers are entitled to 1 year of free support. Pro models customers receive two years
of Support. This free support refers specifically to the use of Incident Support Sessions or Tickets.
Customers are always welcome to use the Support Desk at anytime with this exception, even if their
support period has expired. Customers may also buy Incident Support Sessions after their support period
has expired or they may purchase an annual support contract to extend indefinitely this support period.