Song Surgeon is sold with a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, please emails us at refund{at}songsurgeon.com and request a refund.
Though you are not required to do so, we would appreciate learning of why you have returned the product, as this will help us to product better service and a better product in the future to other potential customers.
To obtain a refund,you will be required to return the CD if you purchased the CD version of the software. If you purchased the download version, nothing other than making a request is required. In both cases we will deactivate the program in our registration database. This will cause your copy of Song Surgeon to run in the Demo mode.
Song Surgeon's parent company, Todd, Michael & James has has sold products online for more than 15 years and into more than 150 countries worldwide. We stand behind our guarantee and want to assure you that all refund requests are handled expeditiously and professionally and are truly, hassle free.
Here is what one of our customers said about our guarantee:
I absolutely do not mind if you use all or part of the quote in the previous e-mail or this one. Please
do not take this wrong, but there are so many time that a "100% guarantee" gives you about a 50 / 50
shot of ever seeing your money again due to some catch. Again, thank you for the professional, prompt,
and courteous way in which you handled my refund.
–P. Michaels, Florida
Posted on: 11 March 2021 09:38 PM
Your willingness to refund goes a long way for me (and other customers). You've turned an average
experience into a fantastic one! I'll refer my friends. Great product!
- M. Richard, USA