Song Surgeon provides a foot pedal interface for hands-free operation for several of the key playback functionalities. This foot pedal feature is found in PRO only. Currently, Song Surgeon utilizes the Infinity, IN-USB-2 foot pedal, via a USB connection. A picture of the foot pedal is shown below.
The Inifinity foot pedal is a plug-and-play device. This means that you simply plug the USB cable from the foot pedal into your computer, and your computer will find or download the appropriate drivers and install them. When this has been completed and the pedal is ready to use, Song Surgeon will display a message telling you that the foot pedal is connected and ready to be used.
Two items of note: First, the footpedal interface is only supported on Version 3 and 4, not on older versions. Secondly, the footpedal is a Song Surgeon Pro feature, it is not supported in the Standard version.
The Infinity pedal has three switches or pedals. The center pedal can be used to Start and Stop the playback of the currently open audio file. The left pedal has two functions. When depressed once ( a single click ), it rewinds the playback to the BEGINNING point of the current loop. If double-clicked, it causes the current position to jump BACKWARD to the BEGINNING point of the next previous loop. Subsequent double clicks will again cause the progress indicator to jump out of the current loop and BACKWARD to the previous loop until there are no more previous loops.
Similarly, the right button of the pedal when depressed ADVANCES the playback position to the next BEGINNING loop point and, with subsequent clicks of the pedal, continues to ADVANCE to the next BEGINNING loop points until there are no more.
A brief training video of the use of this footpedal can be found here:
The IN-USB-2 transcriber foot pedal is Windows and Mac compatible. Weighing only 2.5 lbs., the Infinity Foot Pedal holds its own without being shuffled around underneath your desk with normal foot movement. This exceptional foot pedal is built tough, with sturdy armor-like construction and heavy-duty micro-switches to provide countless hours of trouble-free performance.
The foot pedal costs around $50 plus shipping and can be purchased from many retailers including Amazon.com from the link below.
If you'd like to see support added for additional foot pedals or would like to see additional functionalities, please contact us at info@songsurgeon.com, with any suggestions or comments.