Give Song Surgeon Away FREE
Over the past three years, we have worked with a major US based music website
Song Surgeon was used as a promotional item and given away absolutely free. During this most recent
promotion, the site generated over $60,000 in sales from this 2 week effort. In summary, the way the
promotion works is that a user/visitor buys the company's product/membership and for doing so, they get
FREE copy of Song Surgeon (Standard version). The main requirement to make it all work is that whatever
product is being sold must have a higher price point than Song Surgeon. In these promotions, we provide
Surgeon to you at a reduced cost, similar to what an affiliate would receive in commissions.
Song Surgeon Drawing
On numerous occasions we have partnered with sites to give away a limited number of copies of Song
on their websites, blogs, and forums. These free drawing events generate interest and traffic for our
partners and also revenues if an affiliate commission is included. These drawings on partner websites
introduce more potential customers to Song Surgeon and that, over time, will increase sales.
Song Surgeon Review
Another common way for people to partner with us is by writing a review of Song Surgeon. If you have a
music-related blog, forum, or website where you could post a review of Song Surgeon, we would be pleased
consider such a relationship. While there are no hard and fast rules for deciding to work with a site,
generally look at the Google PR, Alexa Ranking, and size of you opt-in list. One of the advantages to
working with us is that you get a FREE review copy of Song Surgeon.
If any of these collaborative ideas are of interest to you, or if you have something else you'd like
suggest, please complete the form below and we'll respond within 1 working day.